Marie Dahlgren
3 min readOct 5, 2020


Nowadays, a lot of people ask me “Why Enso?” and what does it mean? Seems like it’s been a long journey since I set up my businesses and chose names for them (EnsoStyle, EnsoCoach, EnsoReal). Along the way, I managed to start a trend of “Enso” brands. Which is a good sign, after all.

So, Enso symbolizes absolute enlightenment, infinity, strength, elegance, the Universe. Enso symbolizes a moment when the mind is free to simply let body and spirit create. Only a person who is mentally and spiritually complete can draw a true Enso.

I came a long way, to be honest, to come up with this name. At that point in my life, to create something out of thin air and with only a few thousands of dollars was a necessity.

Now I think Enso was always deep inside my soul, waiting for the time to be revealed and shine through me. I cherish it as a separate entity that has its own personality, purpose, destiny, and mission.

The year I chose this name was the lowest in my life. I would say I was wandering, searching, trying to grasp my way out of my dark night of the soul.

Everything was so challenging. I thought I would not make it to the other side, but something happened along the way. Because of the immense pressure of outside reality, I tapped into resources which were dormant all this time. Some cool new key decisions and insights came out of this time of my life as well.

Long story short, I made it to the other side and I came out not only much stronger but being much more spiritually grown up and mature.

Suddenly, instead of rushing through my life, I started to find joy and miracles in everyday things. I slowed down to honor small and big things and people in my life. I touched the center of my inner being where I found peace.

It’s pretty hard to explain what it feels like. Everything and everybody around me was the same, but my inner vision changed completely. Like a quantum leap, something happened in me and I got to a destination where I was complete, at peace, and gliding through my life with a sense of flow and inner knowing that life is indeed a miracle.

In quantum leap theory, a quantum leap is a discontinuous transition between quantum states. What this means is that an electron at one energy level in an atom jumps instantly into another energy level, emitting or absorbing energy as it does so. There is no in-between state, and it doesn’t take any time for the leap to occur.

So, when I discovered this in me, by grace and some intense pressure, I wanted to share this with others, of course. On the other hand, it was pretty difficult to do this as words cannot describe this state. Whatever you say it will be just a shadow of what you became a witness of.

I committed myself to find, learn, and create ways for people to reach this state by design, without being forced and pushed into the experience by the necessity to change. It’s pretty tough and it’s needless to suffer if you can do this at your wish.

After years of search, practicing, and mistakes I found such a tool, which is coaching. And it is that to which I am committed: to help you change and create the life you desire, at your will and by your design.



Marie Dahlgren

My name is Marie. I am a Professional Master Coach of Robbins-Madanes Training as well as of Erickson College.